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Croston Cycles Bike Fitting Blog - Setting Your Saddle Height
Welcome to the Croston Cycles Bike Fitting Blog. We offer bike fitting in store and Nick Thomas, our expert and qualified fitter, will be using this blog to share his tips and ensure you maximise your cycling comfort and performance. This week we look at the subject of cleat position and cycling performance. If there’s only one adjustment everyone will make when establishing their road bike position it’s the saddle height. This is because altering saddle height is instantly noticeable and is very simple to achieve even for the most mechanically challenged person. There are several formulas and guides available based...
Croston Cycles Bike Fitting Blog - Where's your cleats at?
Welcome to the Croston Cycles Bike Fitting Blog. We offer bike fitting in store and Nick Thomas, our expert and qualified fitter, will be using this blog to share his tips and ensure you maximise your cycling comfort and performance. This week we look at the subject of cleat position and cycling performance. Cleat Position We see a wide variety of cleat positions during bike fits but rarely can the cyclist explain why they chose that position. The cleat position determines where the body connects with the bike so is an important factor in how effective power transfer is to the...